Author: Sean Johnson

Maybe you didn’t know about this or haven’t thought, but a lot of people are naming their houses and you probably caught yourself thinking what are the best house names in the world? When it comes to naming their houses, people are very creative, some of them are giving serious names while others want to insert a little humor in it. The most popular way to name your house is to use a pun, and even though some of them are already old and used, you can also come up with a very original and unique name. You may think…

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The tension between Philippines and China is rising more and more and if you wondered which countries will help the Philippines against China, you are in the right place. If the Philippines want to gain something from the current situation, they will need a little help from countries like Vietnam and Japan. Both countries, China and the Philippines are arguing about a piece of territory for which they both believe is theirs by right. When Japan renounced the territory back in 1951, China claimed it belonged to them because of the Ming dynasty. One year later, China and the United…

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North Korea is famous for its unusual rules and laws, and you probably caught yourself thinking what are the most ridiculous laws in North Korea. North Korea’s dynasty began in 1948 with Kim II-Sung who is the grandfather of the incumbent Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un. Kim II-Sung became the president of North Korea after the Japanese left it divided in 1945. Once, North Korea invaded the South in order to unite the Korean peninsula under its government. In its early days, North Korea was influenced by the Russian way of government which was characterized by Marxism-Leninism and…

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If you are spending a lot of time at home, and you have been wondering what are the best freelance jobs from home without investment, you are in the right place. Today, technology made it possible for people to work from home, comfortable as a virtual assistants and data entry. You can even browse, apply, work and receive payment from your bed. If you don’t feel like waking up every morning early and heading to the office, freelance is the best option for you. With a freelance job, you can choose your clients as well as your working hours. If…

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If you are a lawyer who is searching to find out which are the highest paying countries for lawyers, you are in the right place. Even though France and Ireland are one of the best for you, there are many more to consider. Through the years lawyers have been suffering from much-maligned reputation when the general consensus being that for lawyers would do anything for money, even violate their ethics. There is a general belief that lawyers are egomaniacs who have very high opinion of themselves and consider them to be above everyone. But anyhow, this kind of beliefs are…

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If you are looking to find out which are the healthiest, least harmful cigarettes with the least chemicals to help you lower the risk of some serious diseases or maybe even help you quit smoking, you are in the right place. You should keep in mind that no matter which cigarettes you choose, you will be exposed to serious diseases, but with some of them can lower the risk significantly. There are no cigarettes which don’t contain toxicants, but quitting is not very easy if you have been smoking for a long time. A lot of smokers are searching for a…

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Have you ever caught yourself wondering which are the fastest growing YouTube channels in 2016? If the answer is yes, you are in the right place to find out. YouTube appeared back in 2005, and no one could have predicted it would spread around the world so quickly. Today, YouTube consists of countless videos which are home made, short and creative videos as well as private video stories. You can find everything you need to know on YouTube. With YouTube, not only the company promoted their social network, but also many others networks made a breakthrough because they accepted a…

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Do you know which are the best smartphones with OLED Displays? Insider Monkey created the most accurate list which will answer your question and expand your knowledge about them. If you want a smartphone with big OLED display, you are in the right place. Today, OLED displays are very popular. Many manufacturers are focusing on using different kinds of displays starting from TFT LCD, IPS LCD and Retina displays Apple is using. The main difference between OLED and LED displays is that many of these models are using backlights by LED to light their pixels. OLED pixels on the other…

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Have you ever wondered which countries have the most time zones? If you have, you are in the right place to find out and expand your knowledge. A time zone is defined as one region of the globe that has the same standard time. Every time zone is calculated by the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is representing the primary standard time in the world. The Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) was used to regulate the time until it was replaced with the UTC which was more precise. In GMT, the leap seconds are not considered which makes the UTC more…

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If you were wondering what are the longest applauses of all time, Insider Monkey has your answer. While people want to show approval of something, affirmation as well as admiration, they are using different forms to express it, but the most common is clapping, similar to how the ancient Romans were doing it. There was a different kind of encouraging forms in the past, and they were used in Christianity as well. There is also a ‘golf clap’, and it represents silent clapping in order not to disturb the players. You are familiar with the one-minute silent form of showing respect…

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Have you ever wondered which are the best countries with birthright citizenship? Countries like Mexico and Venezuela will grant citizenship to children who are born in their country no matter if its parents are citizens in that country or not. There are three ways how one person can gain a citizenship in a foreign country. The first way is by birth, some countries are giving citizenship to children who are born on their soil no matter if its parents are citizens of their country or not. The second way to gain a citizenship is by blood. If your relatives lived…

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If you don’t want to spend one second more searching for your remote control, you have probably already wondered which are the best smartphones with infrared blaster and remote control functionality. Luckily you are in the right place. A few years ago almost every phone had an infrared blaster because Bluetooth was a little bit more expensive it wasn’t very common like it is today. If you wanted to transfer something from one phone to another, you had to use infrared and the process was awfully slow one sudden move and you had to start all over again. Today, infrared…

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