From the early days of humanity, we have strived to produce food. Agriculture has been the main occupation of humans for ages. And still to this day, agriculture is one of the most prominent driving forces of the economy. In the past, producing enough food to go by and also making a profit from it, has been always a hard job to do. But times have changed a great deal. Today with the advancements of technology, in this case genetics have enabled us to genetically modified food.

In the early days of the industrial revolution, farmers took the approach of pesticides and fertilizers to increase the yield of vegetables. However, increased dosage applied to crops can have an adverse effect on the health of people and animals consuming it. Also the repeated use of fertilizers has been proven to reduce the yield over time. Then genetics stepped in, the genetic modification technology allowed scientists to alter the very genetic coding of crops and vegetables to become more resistant to the elements. Scientists even managed to modify some vegetables to have a genetic makeup that would repel insects, this allowed farmers to harvest such crops ever needing to apply pesticides.

Genetic modification may sound a bit weird, but it has done a great deal of good to mankind. Today the hyper harvests that we usually reap is the result of advancements in this field. Almost all of the readily available vegetable and crops that we pick up from stores are genetically modified. If you wish to know more about this topic, please visit The 10 Most Common Genetically Modified Foods for details.
