Got a passion about writing? Or are you a professional writer? Whichever might be the reason, writing and editing is something not only exclusive to passionate and professional writers. You may even need to write long essays, reports and journals if you are a student, reporter, journalist or working at any office. So, when words are your business and Chromebook is your choice of tool, you must need to have an idea about which are the best Chromebook Apps for writing and Editing.

While looking for a specific apps these days, the options are many but not every one of them is as useful as described. So, it is always better to go by the online reviews of real users to have an idea which ones are the best. By doing that we have come across some widely used apps which are well renowned and some less known but very effective apps that can make a write-up job smooth as a good dream. As a great writing tool with the most needful basic tools for editing is undoubtedly Google Docs that can be accessed from any device and any end of the world as long you have a Google account. Similar is the access and usefulness of the Microsoft Office Online too. To help with further editing with multiple options is Grammarly that can read through context and suggest for advanced corrections accordingly. Besides as a writer who did not ever feel the need to look up into a dictionary or a translating tool. However, gone are those days when you may had to carry multiple language dictionaries around with the availability of Google Translate and Google dictionary which are greatly compatible with any Chromebook. But the best one should be Speechnotes as it allows your hands to rest from day long typing. This is an impressive app that takes on voice dictation and types on!

Reading about these apps, one can easily guess how effortless will be your next writing or proofreading task. So why wait? Check on the details about in depth description, price matters and more info on these apps from Insider Monkey’s great reporting on the 5 best Chromebook Apps for Writing and Editing.
