“Human trafficking epitomizes one of the most serious human rights abuses. Depriving someone of their freedom and subjugating them to the will of others is a way to dehumanize individuals. The issue of human trafficking has become something of a global aberration. So many countries try to invent mechanisms and instruments to eradicate human trafficking, yet so few of them succeed in it. It is challenging to keep track of these underground activities when there is so much going on.”
Not that long ago, a website Insider Monkey has published an article on 10 worst countries in Europe for human trafficking. Human trafficking is practically a modern form of slavery. The issue has become more serious with the globalization, since globalization has created the conditions where human trafficking related activities go under the radar more easily. Needless to say that this is unfortunate. It is estimated that 20.9 million people were the victims of human trafficking in 2016. The number calls for an urgent action, that is, for the creation of an effective policy that would reduce the number of victims of human trafficking to minimum. If one is looking at the worldwide picture, countries in Asia-Pacific region have the highest number of victims of human trafficking. Looking at the United States only, California is where human trafficking is the worst. The methodology used in ranking the worst countries in Europe for human trafficking is the combination of human trafficking data contained in the most recent report (2016) published by the United States Department and in the most recent report (2016) published by the United Nations Office on Drugs. Since this was one of the most interesting articles for me to write, I will not let you know about which country was ranked 1st on the list, but instead will invite you to read the article on 10 worst countries in Europe for human trafficking and let me know what you think. Did your country make the list?
