We humans are all about competition. We always like to win, and show off our skills in whatever manner possible to others. And from all the possible methods we usually take to accomplish this, sports are perhaps the friendliest one. This is what makes the sports so popular among the masses. There are billions of sports fans out there, yes, the type of sports they like may vary significantly, but everyone on the planet is a fan of some kind of sports nonetheless. This massive fan base for sports have triggered many sports based feature films, documentaries, and movies throughout the years, and today we will be talking about some documentaries concerning sports. You probably already know what makes Netflix so awesome, so I will refrain from boring you with things that you already know. However, if you are a basketball fan and a subscriber to Netflix, then I have awesome news for you. We have done some research in order to find the best documentaries based on basketball and which are available on Netflix right now. I am sure you will find the list that we have made quite useful.

If you wish to learn more about this interesting topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together the list of 11 Best Basketball Documentaries on Netflix Streaming in 2015. Just click on the provided link to get instant access to the full article.
