Playing video games is one of the top entertainment activities of today. After all, who would not want to go on a perilous adventure on his/her leisure time without even having to leave the comfort of the house. Video games have come a long way since its humble beginnings. In the early days, to enjoy a video game one had to go to the arcade, an establishment dedicated to electronic entertainment systems, or another option was to own a gaming console, a device which was only capable of running video games, needing exclusive periferals. However, today the household personal computers have become so powerful that they are now perhaps the most preferred gaming platform.

Game publishers and developers are not far behind in taking advantage of such an opportunity, they have been releasing  many great games over the years. And the year we are going to focus today was no exception either. Yes, 2015 has been so far a great year for gamers and game developers alike, with many smashing hits already out and a few scheduled to follow later this year.

If you happen to be a video game enthusiast, then you might want to check out the list of 11 Best PC Games of 2015, that we have compiled on insider monkey’s website, just click on the link to access the full article on this topic. And make sure that you have not missed out on any of them.
