Our children are our legacy. No matter which country or religion you belong to. Every belief system in the world places the children at the top of our priority list. It is true that still horrible incidents of child abuse take place in the world, but thanks to the unified efforts of law enforcement agencies, the rate of child abuse is in a decline. But our topic for today is not child abuse, but rather a very delicate issue regarding taking care of children. In almost every first world country, the number of children that are breast fed are declining at an alarming rate. The world health organization also known as WHO, has specified that children should be breastfed exclusively for about six months after birth. And thereafter should be given other food alongside mother’s milk until two years of age. However, in the developed countries, working mothers hardly have enough time to tend to their babies, and thus they opt for commercial baby formulas, that claim to provide adequate nutrition for the babies but are not free of a fair share controversy. Many question the ingredients of such formulas, but yet these products are in high demand.

If you wish to learn more about this topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together the list of 11 Countries With the Highest Breastfeeding Rates. Just click on the provided link to get instant access to the full article.
