If you want to know about the fastest growing cities in Europe, we can help you out in finding them. Insider Monkey has an article with a list of eleven fastest growing cities in Europe that we would like to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these cities.

Unlike the United States which have technically overcome the economic recession that begun in 2008, as reflected on the list with the 10 fastest growing cities in The United States, Europe still struggles to even stabilize its economy. Nevertheless, amidst the financial crisis which has hit hard the so-called Old World, bright examples of European cities which thrive despite the financial impasse have started to emerge.

I attempted to use data from the World Bank and the Eurostat, yet unfortunately neither of the agencies hasn’t shared any data with the public since the fourth quarter of 2012. The latest data comes from a project funded by Deutsche Bank, called European Metromonitor. The site provides you with an interactive map and recent data for large European cities. To read more, please visit 11 Fastest Growing Cities in Europe.
