Do you know what countries in America people search for the most? We are going to tell you about them today. Insider Monkey has compiled a list of eleven most Googled countries in America. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these countries.

Are Internet users looking for a place to rest on vacation when they search for the most googled countries? Or maybe it’s an interest motivated by news that makes the Americans search for different countries on Google? Truth is that the internet is the perfect support every time we need to clear up the capital of any foreign country, find out more information about the emerging war somewhere, picture yourself on a Caribbean beach or just for cheating a little bit in order to complete the list of every state of US following Friends style.

Google drafts every year – the United States even has a monthly list – the most searched words classified in different, diverse and strange categories like calorie searches, whiskies, celebrity pregnancies or dog questions. To read more, please visit 11 Most Googled Countries in America.
