Are you searching for the world’s top selling cigarettes? If yes, we can help you out in finding them, as we know about a list that could be very useful for you. Insider Monkey has compiled a list of eleven top selling cigarettes in the world. Let’s read Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these cigarettes and see if your favorite brand is present in the list.

What are the top selling cigarettes in the World? The brand of cigarettes is not such an important factor for those who smoke just to take their daily dosage of nicotine, but for those who really enjoy smoking, brand of cigarettes is everything, and the price usually doesn’t matter.  Because of the second type of smokers, the tobacco companies have developed entire marketing strategies and spend a huge amount on commercials designed to attract their attention.

In the last few decades, the general world opinion regarding smoking cigarettes has changed a lot. Before, smoking was considered to be sexy and cool, but today, smoking is seen as an unhealthy and unwanted habit. To read more, please visit 11 Top Selling Cigarettes In the World.
