Even if the shackles of captivity are cast out of pure gold, no one will put them on without a fight. Perhaps the most precious thing to every human being is freedom. This is the reason, why democracy has flourished all throughout the world, as it allows for the most freedom to individuals. Journalism is a noble profession, the people of a free nations expect the journalists to be unbiased, honest and articulated in their statements. Even though journalists have their fair share of controversies, but one thing can be said with a great deal of confidence that most journalists are out there to seek and report the truth. And they do not falter under pressure or persuasion when it comes to getting the truth out the world. But there are a few countries that have a tendency to interfere with the work of journalists. And our researchers have dug up relevant information about these countries and have come up with the list of them. The sole purpose of today’s article is to raise awareness about the worsening conditions of journalists stationed in such countries.

If you wish to learn more about this rather interesting topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together the list of 11 Worst Countries for Journalists in 2015. Just click on the provided link to get instant access to the full article.
