“When I finished my BA studies, I wanted to spend a year traveling. It would be a year of self-discovery where I would truly get to know myself by interacting with other people who live across the globe. Intersubjectivity, as philosophers call it. When I revealed my plan to the members of my family, they were quick to suggest that I am exposing myself to grave dangers. For them, the lands of far away were representing an imminent threat – threat of me being kidnapped, raped, murdered, and in the best case scenario robbed. Of course, this is not true and my family exaggerated, however, it is accurate to say that the probability of these things happening to me or anyone else is greater in some cities than in others.”
Not that long ago, a website Insider Monkey has published an article on 16 cities with the highest crime rates in the world. The article provides for an interesting overview of crime worldwide. In its introduction, the author looks into the countries with the highest crime rates in the world and those at the other end of the spectrum, that is, countries with the lowest crime rates in the world. If we look at the matter worldwide, San Salvador is one of the countries with such a high crime rate that it is becoming country’s signature. On the other hand, crime rates are relatively low in countries such as Japan, Singapore and Canada. Looking into the United States, Mexico State has the highest crime rate. In order to rank cities with the highest crime rates in the world, the author used the data on homicide rates provided by the Igarape Institute, the data on rape rates provided by the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, the data on crime index provided by the World Bank and survey responses on crime rates provided by Numbeo. To see if a city from your country is grouped with others with the highest crime rates, check out the article on 16 cities with the highest crime rates in the world.
