Since you have shown in this particular article, I do not think that you need an introduction for Warren Buffett. However, for the sake of consistency let me give you a brief introduction to Warren Buffett. Warren Edward Buffett is an American business tycoon, he is considered to be the most successful business investor by many experts across the world. As of this march, he is the second most wealthiest person alive in the United States after IT genius Bill Gates. Now, when a person of his caliber says something, it instantly acquires quote status. I mean, he does not talk nonsense, he did not become the second wealthiest person in the United States just by sheer luck. He is intelligent, and when it comes to investing money in some business venture, he has just right observation skills to identify and distinguish between a good investment opportunity and a great one. I think it is safe to say that if you adhere to his quotes on investing, you will do excellent as well. Today we bring you a collection of Warren Buffett quotes on investing, and if you are an aspiring investor, I think you will definitely enjoy our today’s article.

If you wish to learn more about this interesting topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together the list of 16 Rousing Warren Buffett Quotes On Investing. Just click on the provided link to get instant access to the full article.
