If you’re looking to have some fun at home with family or friends, what could be more entertaining than watching a comedy movie together? You might have seen lots of comedy movies in your life but do you know about the highest rated ones? If you don’t know about them yet, we’ll be glad to share a list of these movies with you. Insider Monkey has compiled a list of twenty highest rated comedy movies of all time that you’re going to enjoy a lot. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about them and get ready to enjoy!

Which are the 20 highest rated comedy movies of all time? We all have our own personal favorites that have us bending over with laughter and tears escaping without our consent, so deciding which ones get to be on this list is no easy task.

To obtain a better estimate, we decided to use IMDB’S top 250 movies and Empire’s 301 Greatest Movies of All Time. By using these two sources of primary data, we are more likely to obtain an accurate result. From there, we selected the first twenty that fit into the comedy category, combined the results and came up with our own unique ranking. To read more, please visit 20 Highest Rated Comedy Movies of All Time.
