Many speculate that VR is the future of the entertainment industry. Well, the concept is definitely not something new or unique. VR has been in use for quite some time now, at least since the 70s the military has been using VR to train pilots. The new thing about VR is that finally some companies have managed to produce VR units that are quite cheap and can be marketable to the general masses. Well, we are not talking about the VR headsets here, but rather their cheaper counterparts, devices that resemble the form and functionality of the google cardboard made for Android devices. Today, however, we will talk exclusively about VR headsets meant for iPhones. If you are a proud owner of an iPhone then you can easily buy one of these headsets mentioned in the following article to dive into the incredible world of virtual reality. It is the cheap alternative to getting a true VR headsets that are out there. And by cheap I mean a lot cheaper. A true VR unit like the Oculus rift of steam VR would cost you in the region of thousands of dollars in order to set it up properly, and if you get one of these, you can do it in merely a fraction of that cost.

If you wish to learn more about these amazing devices, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, you can find the article titled ”5 Best VR Headsets to Buy for iPhone in 2016”. Just click the provided link to get instant access to the full article.
