Bioamber Inc (NYSE:BIOA), saw an insider increase his positioning with the company through two transactions officially filed today, August 12th. Director Kurt W. Briner sold a total of 2,980 shares at prices ranging from $11.3106 to $11.5 per share, and now has 36,180 shares directly invested into the company.
As well, Bioamber Inc (NYSE:BIOA) is a $257.46 million market cap chemical company that manufactures its bio-succinic acid in a facility using a commercial scale 350,000 liter fermenter in Pomacle, France. Moreover, the Company produces and sells bio-succinic acid using its process for petroleum-derived succinic acid and has additional bio-based products under development with partners including bio-succinic acid derivatives, such as BDO, and applications of bio-succinic acid, such as plasticizers, polyurethanes and de-icing solutions.
In addition, the largest hedge fund involvement comes from Arrowgrass Capital Partners, the fund run by Nick Niell. Arrowgrass lowered its activity by 12% last quarter, and now holds a total of 668,118 shares worth about $7.6 million.
Disclosure: The author, Daniel Forstein, holds no positions in any stocks mentioned.
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