Author: Adnan Manazir

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. A good education system can provide better learning opportunities to students but not every country is able to provide such system to their students. We would like to tell you today about the countries that have the happiest students. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article which has a list of ten countries that have the happiest students in the world. You will be surprised to discover that many of 10 countries that have the happiest students in the world aren’t highly developed economies, but regions with low GDP and high rates of poverty,…

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Do you know about the US cities with most skyscrapers in 2015? If you don’t, we would like to tell you about them today. Insider Monkey has created a list of top eleven US cities with most skyscrapers in 2015 that we’re going to share with you. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these skyscrapers in 2015. Currently, due to a rising population and limited space available, most of the cities in the United States use skyscrapers to cater to the growing demands, but which are the top 11  US cities with the…

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Are you searching for the countries with the highest breastfeeding rates? If yes, then we can help you out in finding them. Insider Monkey has already done the research work for you and created a list of eleven countries with the highest breastfeeding rates that we’re going to share with you today. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these countries. Let’s start at the beginning. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is best for babies if they are breastfed exclusively up to 6 months before introducing solid foods and then breastfed partially…

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Do you know about the most expensive cruise ships ever built? If you don’t, we would like to tell you about these cruise ships. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of ten most expensive cruise ships ever built that we’re going to share with you today. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about them. Wondering about the 10 most expensive cruise ships ever built? Cruise ships have been around for nearly 150 years with the formation of the company Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company. The company was the first…

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For those who don’t want to wear any ordinary watch on their wrist, we’ve something very interesting to share today. If you’re one of them, we would like to tell you about the best of Patek Philippe watches. Insider Monkey has created a list of seven most expensive Patek Philippe watches that you’re going to like very much. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these watches. If you’re up to adorning your wrist with some true luxury, the list of 7 most expensive Patek Philippe watches should be right up your alley. Being trendy…

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Do you know about the things that teens buy the most? If you don’t, we would like to tell you about these things today. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of eight things teens buy the most that we’re going to share with you. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about them. Have you ever wondered what things teens buy the most? Whether you’re a parent looking to figure out how your youngsters are spending their allowance and summer job salaries, or a clueless adult looking for a stocking-stuffer for…

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Are you trying to find out about the most educated states in India? If yes, then we can help you out in your search. Insider Monkey has compiled a list of fifteen most educated states in India. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these states. This article on 15 Most Educated States in India focuses on finding out which of the states in India have excelled in providing intellectual capital that has helped the nation become an emerging superpower. India’s economy has consistently grown at a steady pace (it has grown by more…

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You can find a lot of popular nightclubs in your town and in your country but do you know about the highest grossing nightclubs in the world? If you don’t, we would like to tell you about these clubs today. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of six highest grossing nightclubs in the world. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these nightclubs. There are thousands of nightclubs around the world, some more successful than others, depending, of course, on their location and their reputation, but only a few of them…

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For those who like to see art documentaries, we’ve something very interesting to share today. Insider Monkey has an article ready with a list of eleven best art documentaries on Netflix Instant in 2015 that you’re going to like very much if you enjoy such documentaries. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these documentaries. Gather round, art lovers, as we dig into the 11 best art documentaries on Netflix Instant in 2015. Art has always fascinated people, both those talented enough to create it and a vast majority of us not blessed with…

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Are you searching for the top countries in space exploration? If yes, then we can help you out in finding them. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of top ten countries in space exploration that we would like to share with you today. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these countries. Exploring the space is an age-old dream that has only become possible in the past century. For eons, people have looked upon the skies and wondered what the twinkling lights were and what else was out there, which…

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You can find a lot of trucking companies in America but do you know about the biggest ones? If you don’t know about them yet, there’s nothing to worry about because we can tell you about these companies. Insider Monkey has an article ready with a list of ten biggest trucking companies in America that we’re going to share with you today. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about these trucking companies. If you are a truck driver, you probably already know everything about the 10 biggest trucking companies in America. It is estimated…

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If you’re a student who is looking for some easy but high paying jobs, we’ve something very interesting to share with you today. There’s an article on Insider Monkey which has a list of eleven high paying jobs for college students that you’re going to find very useful. So, let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s article to find out about these jobs. While millions of college students are unemployed, 11 easy high paying jobs for college students offer a great opportunity to earn cash without cramping your college lifestyle. Even though economic indicators are improving, unemployment among youth remains…

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