In 2020, major dividend-paying firms will reduce or stop paying dividends. During the pandemic, dividend-paying stocks like Johnson & Johnson gained popularity by maintaining and even raising their dividend payments. Investors are looking to diversify their portfolios with strong dividend-paying equities for income and reinvestment plans. Dividend investing is gaining traction, with indices like the S&P 500 paying an average dividend return of 1.3 percent versus 1.15 percent for the 10-year Treasury. Some of the major healthcare corporations that gained from the epidemic are Johnson & Johnson and AbbVie Inc. Both firms are dividend aristocrats, with yearly dividend increases for the past 59 and 49 years, respectively.

Insider Monkey looks at the list of the 10 best dividend-paying stocks to buy now. T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. pays a $4.32 per share annual dividend and yields 2.12%. For the past 35 years, the financial firm has boosted its annual dividend. T.Rowe Price Group is still rated Equal-Weight by Morgan Stanley, with a price target of $211 per share. The 9th greatest dividend-paying stock to buy right now is Essex Property Trust, Inc. The REIT, which has a market value of $21.3 billion, owns around 246 residential properties on the West Coast. The 8th greatest dividend-paying stock to purchase right now is General Dynamics Corporation. For the past 30 years, the military company has boosted its annual dividend. General Dynamics’ revenue in the second quarter increased by 17.9% to $9.2 billion. The International Business Machines Corporation is ranked seventh among the top ten dividend-paying stocks to purchase right now. For the past 25 years, the tech company has boosted its annual dividend. It has a dividend yield of 4.65 percent and pays an annual dividend of $6.56 per share. Chevron Corporation is ranked sixth among the top ten dividend-paying companies to purchase right now. The energy company trades crude oil and natural gas reserves all over the world and operates them. Chevron Corporation’s stock is up 20% so far this year. For more details, click 10 Best Dividend Paying Stocks to Buy Now.

