Quora is expanding massively around the world because of its unique ideas, usefulness and nifty content. Quora, the question answer website, which is free to use by anybody, is pretty clear about its policies regarding Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL). An article on CNBC reported that Quora does not want to rely a bit on Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL), because of the fact that Google’s algorithm change for search engine can crush a good, unique and promising website, and there are many living examples of that.

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The source quoted an executive from Quora, who thinks that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL)’s algorithm cannot be relied upon. Quora’s traffic mostly comes from organic sources, which means that people directly open the website. Apart from this, Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets are a secondary source of Quora’s traffic.

The source said that in the past, slight changes in Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) algorithms have crushed the website rankings and traffic of small business and websites like Mahalo and HubPages. Therefore, Quora does not want to put its eggs in one basket.

But Quora cannot be compared to the other websites, which have no choice but to rely on Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL). Quora is a question and answer website. So anyone who wants to directly ask the question will open the website and ask, without using Google.

The source also quoted a Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) expert, who said that blogs and websites must not rely completely on a single source of traffic.

David Tepper’s Appaloosa Management Lp owns around 600,000 Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) shares.

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