Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has been developing a lot of futuristic ideas and innovations through its Google X facility. In the recent past Google has talked about some of these technologies like Glass, Lens, Driverless cars, etc. According to Dow Jones, Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has been working on developing its large display technology. CNBC’s Jon Fortt and Kevin O Leary of ‘Shark Tank’ discussed on CNBC about Google’s large television display project called as ‘Google Display’.

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Fortt mentioned that the Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL)’s large display technology uses the modular display option, where the consumer can keep adding small displays and make up a larger display to fill the entire wall. He thinks that this is an interesting concept, but he thinks that this move from Google is strategically interesting too.

Fortt added that Samsung Electronics were uncomfortable to be in the grasp of Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) with the Android usage and currently are making some move for other software and Google researching in the sector where Samsung leads the way might create some uncomfortable feeling between the two companies.

O’Leary thinks that he might be one of the beta testers of the new display technology. He mentioned that as the display gets bigger and bigger, the photo and video qualities that were shot earlier matters a lot. He thinks that people using digital cameras, should turn on the raw high resolution option instead of the jpeg option, which will make sure that the images/videos could be displayed in ultra large displays which Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is planning to create.

“[…] I have got 500,000 images all in raw on master storage waiting for Google. Bring me the display I am the guy u want to test this on,” O’Leary said.

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has been busy with half a dozen futuristic technologies in their Google X Labs. Google X currently works on Project Glass, Project Driverless Cars, Project Lens, Project Loon, Project Wing and finally the Project Display.

Fortt mentioned about the long meeting that Astro Teller from Google X used to have with CFO of Google in deciding on these futuristic technologies which might be in demand for the next 20-30 years. So he thinks that Google is eventually looking at the possibility of Google TV in spite of heavy competition in the sector. O’Leary mentioned that Google Display opens up plenty of options for users and he thinks that this technology is better than the other technologies like Glass, Cars, etc.

 As of 30 June, 2014, David Tepper’s Appaloosa Management Lp hold around 600,000 Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) shares.

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