America is a free country in every sense. While they have many different cultural and group activities, they still the most enjoy sex. Unfortunately, they are not that over-protected when it comes to promiscuity and they are often not sure how many partners is their new sex-buddy had before them. This usually leads to many side effects such as unwanted pregnancies and, even worse, STDs. So how many American citizens are affected by STDs?

Each year there are about 30 million new recorded patients diagnosed with STDs among which are half of them teenagers and young adults between 15 and 24 years. Records dated from 2015 showed that that year recorded over 1,5 million cases of chlamydia, around 400,000 gonorrhea cases, and about 24,000 new patients diagnosed with syphilis and these are only recorded cases. But what about people who refuse to see the doctor or the ones that don’t even know that they have some of these diseases? This is actually highly possible because symptoms are not that recognizable. The worse thing is that, even if they notice that there is something strange going on, people are too afraid to go to the doctors with which they risk their life and the life of other people they are having an intercourse with.

Most frequent STDs are the three that we already mentioned- chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis and the state that is the most affected by these three is Louisiana. So if you are living here, make an appointment with your doctor ASAP. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are infected, but there is no harm in taking this one-day tests, right? If not, still do it. And read Insider Monkey’s article about 11 states with the highest STD rates in America, just in case.
