When you are choosing your career path, one of the biggest questions is how much money you would be earning. In order to help you find an answer, we have several articles that can help you find the state where you will be paid the most and each of the articles contains not one, but 25 best states. They are all ranked by the hourly or annual wage, cost of living index, and employment rate. So we have best states for electricians, police officers, epidemiologists, social workers, occupational therapists, optometrists, physicists, physical therapists, nursing assistants, radiation therapists, registered nurses, microbiologists, medical secretaries, physicians and surgeons, pediatricians et cetera. But here we want to concentrate on doctors in general and find out how much money are doctors earning.

There is no price for your and your family’s and friend’s lifes. When doctors finish their med school, they take the oath that they will save every life they can and give up on nobody. But things don’t work out that way in our society. Any time you open your browser or sit down to watch TV or just take a newspaper to read, you will find ads about people that are in need of money for their medical bills. I honestly don’t think that that was specified in the oath, to refuse taking care of some young life just because their parents don’t have enough money, but who am I to judge? Well, actually, I am a parent of a young 18-months-old boy and hopefully, in the next two years, a parent of two boys or a boy and a girl. So, yes, I am entitled to judge. I have a kid and I know exactly what it’s like for parents when their kids have a higher temperature, and not to mention something worse. So yes, again, I am entitled to judge! I go to every concert and give the money to the Red Cross every time when it is funding for someone’s healthcare. And why? Not because I am something special. Not because I am the next Mother Theresa. But because doctors are refusing to do a pro bono surgeries to someone that is on their death beds just because prices for their surgeries are too high. So what? If you are not rich you aren’t entitled to live? But fine.

Just to make something clear. I am not against doctors. I appreciate their care and profession so much. But I don’t like them. Not because I hate them, but because when I have to see them in scrubs, that means that something wrong is going on. But they help people improve their life and they are the reason why so many people are still alive, although, without doctors, they wouldn’t have a chance. In this case, talent has a price and doctors are real proof of it. If they are very good in what they do, they can earn as twice or even more for different surveys, trials, or just higher salaries. So let’s take a look who are 11 richest doctors in the world and how much money they earn.
