Do you feel a bit left out at your own home while working? Do you want to make your freelance job more comfortable? Then you came to the right place because we have the perfect solution for you.
The freelancing job is like a dream come true. You don’t need to get up at 6 AM to get ready for work, drink your coffee while dressing and chasing across the town to get on time. When you arrive, there are usually tons of chores already waiting for you and, before you even had a chance to sit on your chair, you already need to finish 4 jobs in 15 minutes. After that, there is a long 8 to 12 hours shift with only one-half an hour lunch break.
Instead, you can start your day peacefully, with your morning coffee in your bed, while doing the clicking and preparations for your work. Most of the time, your employer would have the emphasis for your needs and you will have time to meet with your friends, have meals with your family, go to the mall, pick up your clothes from cleaning, and pick up your child from kindergarten or school.
But freelancing jobs have their disadvantages as well. There will be a time when there would be something important going on online and your present will be necessary. While you are sitting in front of your computer, your family will be enjoying quality time playing some games, going out for a walk, or to play in the backyard. Your family will understand that, because of the nature of your work, you won’t have enough time for them, and they will appreciate all your efforts to make the money and provide them everything they need. But sooner or later, you will notice that your family is a bit torn apart. They will stop inviting you when they spend time together, they will start having lunches without you, they will even sometimes go to sleep without wishing you good night. This doesn’t mean that they don’t love you anymore. They will just get used to the fact that, besides being always in the house, you won’t be around and they will stop trying.
To prevent this from happening, the best solution for you is to stop treating your freelance career as a serious office business. You might want to take a room in your house just for your office and paperwork and be there only in working hours. The rest of the day, you can be the member of a family again. And everyone will know that you are not available only when your office door is closed. if you live in an apartment or in a house with no free rooms available, and you think that you are earning enough money, then you might consider some of 16 affordable coworking spaces in Manhattan and Brooklyn that Insider Monkey’s team found online for you, and get your private life back.
