Intelligence agencies and their agents are the unsung heroes of a country. No matter how great or tolerant a country is, there will always be forces hostile to that country. History is witness to that fact, many great nations have suffered terribly, because they lacked a proper intelligence agency. Lessons learned such incidents have enabled modern governments develop new defensive strategies. And today, intelligence agencies are one of the biggest organizations operated by governments all around the world not just by monetary terms but also by manpower. To ensure the sovereignty of a country governments employ a large number of human resources in such agencies, though some might argue about the methods these agencies sometimes resort to, in order to complete a given mission, but in the end all these agents are doing is for the good of their country and countrymen. As long as personal gain is not involved in their actions, I think it is justifiable. Today we will be talking about some countries that put utmost emphasis on the security and sovereignty of their borders and are currently employing a large number of human resources in such fields.

If you wish to learn more about this topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together a list of Top 15 Intelligence Agencies with Biggest Personnel Size through the help of most recent data available. Just click on the provided link to access the full article.
