Drug effects can be hazardous, but have you ever thought about what are angel dust drug effects and facts? Phencyclidine (PCP), also known as angel dust, an animal tranquilizer, rocket fuel, and an agglomeration of other weird titles, is a profoundly dangerous hallucinogenic that was formerly used as an anesthetic until, of course, its deleterious side effects on patients were recognized.

Phencyclidine (PCP), also known as “angel dust,” is an illegal psychedelic drug that induces hallucinations and produces a feeling of detachment from oneself and one’s surroundings. Originally developed in the 1950s as a surgical anesthetic, the drug was soon discontinued after it was found to cause agitation, hallucinations and irrational thinking in patients waking up from its effects. It was used in veterinary medicine until 1978, after which it became illegal to use altogether. Over time, a chemical dependency develops and their body doesn’t function correctly without the drug. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction occurs when a chemical dependency to a drug is combined with an overwhelming urge to use the substance. The most common physical effect after using drugs is memory loss. PCP impacts the glutamate receptors in the brain which, amongst other things, deal with memory and cognitive functions. Another huge effect is Breathing and Muscular Problems. Angel dust, as previously mentioned, causes a loss of coordination as well as the rigidity of muscles. Significant amounts of PCP also provoke muscular convulsions and contractions, which might lead to permanently deformed movements. Originally developed in the 1950s as a surgical anesthetic, the drug was soon discontinued after it was found to cause agitation, hallucinations and irrational thinking in patients waking up from its effects. It was used in veterinary medicine until 1978, after which it became illegal to use altogether. Since 1975, Monitoring the Future Study researchers have annually surveyed almost 17,000 high school seniors nationwide to determine trends in drug use and to measure attitudes and beliefs about substance abuse.

If you want to see what are angel dust drug effects and facts, check Insider Monkey’s list of 7 Angel Dust Drug Effects and Facts and find out more about this interesting topic.
