So what are the largest Canadian gold mining companies?It is a very exciting topic to check the gold mining companies and gold producer countries. As for Canada it is a major gold producer, and now Insider Monkey recently published an article in which we can find lots of interesting facts about his issue.

A decade ago South Africa was one of the biggest gold producing countries throughout the whole world. The formal statistics were established in the 1960s and since then Africa regarded to be the leader among gold mining countries. But it decreased in the mid-2000s. Other countries began to overtake South Africa, because they have large land areas and sophisticated mining operations. One of those is Canada now; it is one of the five largest gold producing countries. So we can find 30 Canadian gold mining companies that had more than $100 million in revenue in 2016 – this number shows that Canada’s gold industry is decreasing. If we check the top ten companies of the 30, we find that the combined revenue last year was $23.23 billion in total revenue.

Insider Monkey found that the largest companies in 2016 were : Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd (USA) (NYSE: AEM), Barrick Gold Corp (USA) (NYSE:ABX), B2Gold Corp (NYSEMKT:BTG), CENTERRA GOLD INC COM NPV (OTCMKTS:CAGDF), DETOUR GOLD CORPOR COM NPV (OTCMKTS:DRGDF), Goldcorp Inc. (USA) (NYSE:GG), IAMGOLD Corp (USA) (NYSE:IMG), Kinross Gold Corporation (USA) (NYSE:KGC), New Gold Inc. (USA) (NYSEMKT:NGD), and Yamana Gold Inc. (USA) (NYSE: YRI). The companies were ranked by their revenue during calendar year 2016.

We have picked three items from Insider Monkey’s list: Detour Gold Corpor Com NPV (OTCMKTS:DRGDF), B2Gold Corp (NYSEMKT:BTG), and New Gold Inc. (USA) (NYSEMKT:NGD). Total revenue for Detour Gold Corpor Com NPV (OTCMKTS:DRGDF) was in 2016: $658.3 million. Total revenue for B2Gold Corp (NYSEMKT:BTG) was in 2016: $683.3 million. Total revenue for New Gold Inc. (USA) (NYSEMKT:NGD) was in 2016: $683.8 million.
For any further interesting information, you should read Insider Monkey’s article about the largest Canadian gold mining companies.


I am from Hungary, Europe. I graduated as a theologian, and social pedagogue.