So what are the states with no or least poisonous snakes in America? Many people are afraid of venomous serpents, and although the poisonous snakes are spread in America we don’t have to worry about them because there are states where we can’t find too many. There are only 20 venomous snake species in the USA and they can be found in almost every state. Generally poisonous animals are met in warmer climates. The situation is the same in the US, for example the northern belt possesses less than five venomous animals per state – but the figure is continuously growing as we approach towards the South. Arizona has the most venomous animals (about 30 species). Consequently states that have no or the least poisonous animals can be found in the North. It is because these kinds of animals like the warm weather as they are cold blooded animals. They can’t heat and warm themselves. Nevertheless snakes are pretty adoptable animals we can meet them in swamps, forests, deserts, meadows to the open seas and even in water too.
When it is winter snakes hibernate under the ground in tunnels or in some protected shelters. The truth about the snakes is that they avoid meeting humans if they can. The best we can do if we meet a snake is to give way to it. We mustn’t go close to them or poke them! As a matter of fact human beings are more dangerous than snakes.
Insider Monkey has published a very interesting article about venomous snakes, it is really worth reading it. The information was picked from Venombyte and Cobras sites so we can believe this article.
We have picked three countries form the list: Michigan; Montana, and New Hampshire. Michigan has 18 non-poisonous snake species and only one venomous snake. That is the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. These serpents live grasslands, wet swampy areas or farmlands. They can be found in Lower Peninsula in Michigan and they are protected by law. Montana has ten serpent species and there is only one poisonous again: the prairie rattlesnake. They frequently encounter people but bites are very rare. New Hampshire is the home of 11 snake species, although one of them is dangerous: the timber rattlesnake.
For further thrilling information we recommend reading the states with no or least poisonous snakes in America.