Which Are Best Countries to Teach English in Asia? English is an international language and if you are in the group of people that have the luck to speak and teach other people to speak the English language, you have many open doors on the job markets around the world. According to some sources, there are more than 20,000 monthly job advertisements for English teachers in foreign countries, especially in Asia.

Many people who have the English language degree and live in not very developed countries which pay them poorly, often decide to go to Asia and find better job opportunities. To be accepted there as an English teacher you must have at least Bachelor’s degree in English. But, expect schools and education institutions, there are demands for English teachers in villages and rural areas. The most interesting thing related to these positions in rural areas is that the potential English teacher doesn’t have to have a degree in English. Basic knowledge of English is enough to teach people in these areas.

So, because of the demands and the salaries which are in some cases greater than ones in the United States, this option is very interesting for people who are trying to earn more money. The salaries in Asia often depend on an appropriate certification. So, getting one of these would be a good option, before you go.  If you are looking for simple way to gain some of the English certificates you can do it on the internet. TEFL and TESOL certificates are cheap and if you find the right provider you can get these through the internet. Speaking about demands, the highest demands are in the Northeast and Southeast Asia, but generally, demands are constantly increasing all over the continent.

Insider monkey has published an article 5 Best Countries to Teach English in Asia. In this article, Thailand stands out at 5th position with an average monthly salary estimated in a range from $850-$1,000. The details about other countries from the list, you can check in this article which can be found on Insider Monkey.
