Which Are The Most Popular Christian YouTube Channels To Watch? Today, it is very interesting to see that believers are watching religious content through YouTube, which is mostly oriented to entertainment. In the past, these activities were held in churches but today, religion is trying to reach out to many people, so using this services is the right why to do this. But like any other category, this one has many viewers. Christians are the majority in 157 countries in the world, so it is not strange why this category on YouTube has too many viewers. Christianity is the biggest religion today because it is estimated that 33% of people in the planet are Christian. This religion has the most followed in Europe, North and South America.

Through YouTube, you can find too many videos which are related to Christianity and because of that fact, there is something for everyone’s taste. The most popular videos are motivation and spiritual speeches videos. There are a lot of these videos and if you are going through a difficult period in your life, we are very sure that these ones will help you. Also, if you are interested to see how other Christian people live or what they do in their life, you can also check these videos. This will help you to see your life through a different perspective. If you like the videos you can contact the author or simply subscribe to it.

The main purpose of this article is to find the most popular Christian YouTube channels to watch. Insider Monkey has published an article that lists the 7 most Popular Christian YouTube Channels to Watch. According to Insider Monkey, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries stands at the 7th spot with 136k subscribers. To discover the other ones we suggest to read the whole article which can be found on Insider Monkey.
