Have you ever wondered which countries are smarter than America? Even though America was discovered in 1492, it became the most advanced country and the biggest economy in the past few centuries with all the developments and industries based in it. Considering that many big companies are headquartered in America and American companies are among the most competitive in their industries, people would believe that America must be number one in all areas.

But, have you ever notice that the American scientists were not that mentioned through the history as the scientist from the other countries? Considering that the U.S. is made up of 50 states, the results from the worldwide competitions are not that fascinating. In last few decades, there were not that many winning prizes for competitors from America either in sports or the science competitions.

Ranking people by intelligence is an ungrateful job since there are no specific parameters for it. Some people are better in sports, some in physics, some for writing, and some are better in logic. That’s why there are IQ tests made by experts which include all the areas which require some brain activity. Still, among 34 smartest countries in the world Insider Monkey selected, there isn’t at least one State from America.

The other thing which should be considered when talking about the intelligence is the educational level. As always said, the grades are not the real indicators of knowledge and the America is the perfect example of it. This is also proven by the PISA test made for the 15-years-old students from all around the world. This test includes three parts: reading, science and mathematics and it revealed the shocking truth. The results showed that students from America didn’t make to any of the first 20 places from either part of the test. That means that the grade A for students from America can’t be compared to A grade from some other country such as Singapore, Belgium or China. While looking through science books from 10th graders from U.S., you can see that the subjects that the students learn at this age are like the ones that students from Netherlands already learned few years ago.

Based on the PISA results, on Insider Monkey you can find the list of 20 countries that have smarter kids than America, so check it out and see, maybe your country is also there.
