Which countries have the most time zones? Most people know that there are countries with just one time zone and there are also countries that have more time zones, but most people don’t know why. Each time zone is calculated based on UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) which is the primary time standard. UTC, as the prime meridian, is placed on the longitude 0°, and each 15° longitude behind (east) is one hour behind UTC and each 15° longitude ahead (west) is one hour behind UTC. So, when we take into consideration that some countries are large, it is expected and normal that they cover more time zones. But, some countries still decide to apply just one-time zone to the whole country, even though they cover more of them.

When we talk about time zones, we have to mention the daylight saving time, which is when some countries decide to add or subtract one hour. For those who are not quite sure what is going on, when some countries use the daylight saving time, here is what it’s about. In the summer, daylight saving time is achieved by adjusting the clock one hour forward to get an additional hour of daylight and in the winter some countries are adjusting the clock backward. This practice is still used in the United States and most of Europe, but some countries like Russia are abandoning it as useless and they want to have a standard time all year round.

You can assume a couple of countries that have more time zones, but for some, you would never say that they belong to this category. To stop assuming and find out the real data, check out the Insider Monkey’s interesting list of 10 Countries that have The Most Time Zones. At the 10th position is Mexico, which has 4 time zones which are in some way expected since it is a neighbor of the United States.
