Author: Erik Witlen

Which are military spending facts that will blow your mind? Every country in the world is trying to spend a rationale amount of budget money on their military to secure peace in their country and to have enough strength to defend itself from potential enemies. Many of them don’t have enough money to secure good military sector and those countries often find a solution to be an ally of some big military power, for example, USA, Russia or China. But in that case, these countries have to spend a certain percentage of its budget on paying some kind of rent to…

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Which are the corporations who own 90% of the media news? Today, the most powerful tool to control the people’s minds are media. We bet that you saw an interesting picture on the Internet, with the weapon as a symbol of strength in the Second World War while at the present time this weapon is media. Having a control of media is the best recipe for politicians to ensure their positions. Although in some parts of the world, in totalitarian regimes, governments have measures like media censorship of information and controlling the flow of information, in democratic countries, there is a close…

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Which are the crazy food ideas that flopped? There are a lot of competitors in the food industry, so besides constantly providing the good product, you have to make up some new things from time to time, just for the reason of your customers not getting used to you and wanting to try something they haven’t tried before. So, the companies sometimes have the good mix-ups that bring them more money and new customers. That is just sometimes because usually, these attempts end up in a disaster. You probably think that these ideas came from small, unfamiliar companies, but you…

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Reaganomics facts: good, bad, failed or successful? Was Reagan’s economy good, bad, failed or successful? The opinions about Ronald Reagan presidency are split mostly because of the division between democrats and republicans and some of the people think he was good and some don’t, but what are the facts about his policies. At the moment when he became the president, the country was in the bad state, the recession was increasing (came to the highest point in 1981-1982), the unemployment rate stood at 10.8 percent, the inflation rate was 13.5 percent while the interest rates were 21.5 percent, all in…

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Which are the most inspiring moments from the 2017 Golden Globes? The movie industry is a big industry and there is a lot of public interest in movie and television. Besides following what’s new among the movies and TV Shows, people really like the awards. Awards are interesting because everybody has the favorite nominee and there is always a new discovery of the one you haven’t heard of among them. Two biggest and most popular awards in the US are Oscar Academy Awards and The Golden Globes Awards. Both of them are among the most prestigious movie awards. The difference…

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Which are the best New York neighborhoods to live in with families and kids? For a long time, the large cities have not been considered as a place for families with kids. This has been true for some time because large cities like New York had high criminality rate and why would you raise your kids in a city full of criminal. Also, the New York City has been considered as the place only for business people working in large buildings. But the situation has changed, crime rates have dropped and the NYC in 2014 had the lowest number of…

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Which are the most popular plastic surgeries in South Korea? Ever since the beginning of the modern plastic surgery, people are obsessed with it. Imagine if you can change everything you hate about yourself, isn’t it great? But there are some consequences. The same surgeons that can make you more beautiful can ruin it with a little mistake because even though it is a plastic surgery it still is a surgery and everything can go wrong in a second. But not everything is so dark, because over the years, the plastic surgery have improved a lot, and there is no…

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Which are the biggest problems in the world that can be solved with inventions? Every country in this world has different problems and there are no two countries that have 10 exactly the same problems, but there are some problems that are mutual to lots of countries. When we think of inventions or even when we seek for them on the internet we usually get the results of problems that are really not problems like a fan to cool you spaghetti while you are eating or the little umbrellas on your shoes so they don’t get wet during the rain.…

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Which are the best finance companies to work for? High salary in the finance sector has always attracted people in spite of huge stress that comes with the job. Also, people are usually attracted to the huge companies known worldwide. But just because they are huge and very well known, that doesn’t mean that it is a blessing to work in one of those as they are usually dreaming of high figure salary, great environment, and a big desk job. As you know and probably heard of, these big companies are usually exploiting their workers in order to achieve massive,…

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Which are the master sommelier salary, exam costs, jobs, and other facts? The wine has been around for a very long time and as soon as the people thought of a way to make this tasty drink it became popular and extremely loved drink among people. Its popularity did not fell at all during the time. Even though today we have all sorts of alcoholic beverages, cocktails, sweet drinks, it hasn’t impacted the love of wine. People are still drinking it neat, red, white or rose. Since there are many sorts of wine and many varieties and different qualities, it…

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Which are the top social media apps in 2016? We are witnessing the era of the social media apps. You can like, poke, share, tag, follow, snap, tweet, make stories and do anything you please. If your grandparents and your 80 years old aunt have a Twitter of Facebook account, you can be sure that it is true that we are living in the social media era. When the social apps were discovered, they were mainly used for just communication, you know, exchanging words, but today it has gone to whole another level. Communication itself it is easy and approachable and…

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Which are the name changes that did nothing to help the companies? Changing a company’s name is a serious thing, even though to regular people seems harmless, it can lead to a variety of problems. Some companies are changing their names because the name itself is inadequate or very long or hard to pronounce. In these cases, the companies inform their customers on time and change their name without any fuss. There are some cases where the big companies changed their name without any serious consequences and they have the different name than they had at the beginning of their…

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