Author: Lisa Bowe

Can you say which country is “responsible” for making the nearest objects around you? Do you think the biggest and most powerful countries are behind it? Well, not always. Take a look at these 10 countries with most inventions per capita in the world to see who helped us to live our lives with ease. After writing about 10 countries that have invented the most things in all human history, Insider Monkey is again telling us about who has the most inventions in the world. Thanks to the most innovative countries, we are able to enjoy so many things that we take for granted nowadays.…

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We all know the US is famous for its hamburgers, as much as we all know where beef comes from. So, which state is the most responsible for beef and milk production? Let us tell you right away, Texas can’t be found on Insider Monkey’s list of 10 states with the most cattle per acre? While it’s true this state has the biggest number of cattle in the whole country (you’ll see just how many), its figures aren’t big enough if we’re talking about most cattle per acre. At the time when some parts of the world are researching the cow…

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If planting flowers and maintaining a perfect lawn is just not the best solution for that wide space in your backyard, then how about installing one of 8 most profitable aquaponics fish and system in 2017? Is aquaponics profitable? Well, the answer is the same as for any other venture. It all depends on how much time and money you are willing to invest in it. Generally, most people turn to aquaponics system as a hobby or a way of using that extra space in the backyard. The aquaponics profit margin is difficult to determine due to this particular reason. This…

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Don’t you just love having sushi? Can you imagine eating curry without rice? Impossible. However, neither Japan nor India are in the first place of Insider Monkey’s latest list of 12 countries with highest rice consumption per capita. China isn’t on the throne either.Intrigued? Keep on reading. Rice is such exquisite food. Its taste is usually neutral, and it makes rice an excellent side dish. You can add different spices to create incredible sensations for your palate. Also, rice health benefits and advantages are always mentioned at food blogs. Usually, brown rice gets more praise, but the white type is very…

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How many times did you jump in your seat on your way to work this morning because there was a pothole you just couldn’t avoid? How many times did you curse under your breath because of the bad pavement? If you think that happens more than often, you’re probably living in one of 15 states with the worst roads and infrastructure in US. Roads and infrastructure are what makes the state. Think about it. The living standard of the whole state is determined by it. You can really see the what state a state (or any country) is in just…

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Do you enjoy shopping online and finding some new, original stuff? In that case, you must read Insider Monkey’s article about 10 coolest things to buy on GearBest. It’s a fact that today there is such a plethora of shopping sites offering a variety of products. It makes choices rather difficult, doesn’t it? But obviously, the consumer society is enjoying it to the fullest. It can’t be denied we’re living in a shopping-obsessed world. We’re being pressured to lavishly spend our cash and use our credit cards as much as possible. Every single commercial is showing a happy, satisfied customer…

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What do you mean you haven’t got a bio on your Tinder profile? Having just a photo on Tinder isn’t enough. To get more matches, use one of these 20 simple Tinder bios for females by Insider Monkey. A few simple lines can take you far. Good Tinder bio lines for girls are hard to find. It’s true; we are the ones who are left with a choice when it comes to flirting and accepting someone’s message request (usually). However, it’s completely natural to wish to be swiped right by a certain type of guy. That’s why you should write a couple…

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Before you click on the link, just ask yourself a question: Do I really need to know this? Because reading about Insider Monkey’s article 7 countries with the worst orphanages in the world is like reading a true horror story. What is wrong with today’s world? One would think that old orphanage abuse stories are a matter of the past. Everyone still remembers one of the worst orphanages in America and its abuse stories. The Tekakwitha Orphanage was finally demolished in 2010. Or the horror of the Ungerini Home for the Incurable in Romania. It was an orphanage for children with certain disabilities.…

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How well do you think you know the US? Are you sure you can name at least one from 10 rainiest cities in the US in 2017? Prepare to be very surprised. Living in one of the rainiest cities in the world can have its perks and benefits. You’re most probably not that affected by the weather, and the overcast sky doesn’t make you sleepy because it’s just another ordinary day for you and your fellow citizens. You’d be surprised how much people from warmer or sunnier areas tend to whine about the slightest drizzle. Therefore, it could be said that you’re…

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“Here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory, falling on my head like a new emotion…” This is probably what people living in 10 cities with the most rainy days in the world are singing every other day. An umbrella is a must if you’re headed this way, so unless you’re a real pluviophile (a person who loves rain), it would be best to set off somewhere else. It’s been said that the weather exists so that people would have something to talk about. There are two types of people when it comes to rain: those who…

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You needn’t be experts on business and finance to become a successful entrepreneur. Sometimes all it takes is to choose one of 10 new trending business ideas for beginners and invest some time and money into it. Being independent is great. You’re your own boss. That means you can knock off work early if you want to, raise your salary or take a vacation when you feel like it. There’s no one to nag you about your workload but yourself. Taking sole responsibility for the business is a privilege and a challenge. Even though people around you will only see the perks…

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How would you like to go on a holiday, fall in love and come back home with the girl of your dreams? It’s not mission impossible if you visit one of 17 easiest, best countries to find a girlfriend. Finding a girlfriend can be tough. Sure, everyone is saying how guys have it easy and this is a man’s world, but when it comes to dating, the tables have turned. Men have every right to feel confused nowadays. You’re expected to be a feminist (whatever that implies nowadays) and a perfect gentleman. Also, there’s a thin line between being a gentleman…

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