Author: Melanie Marilin

If you do not believe that great ideas always see the light of day, you really need to know which Kickstarter games have been the most successful of all time. Kickstarter is a wonderful platform that lets innovators meet enthusiastic audience. With the help of a right pitch, you can raise quite a high amount of money to fund your projects. And game developers have managed to utilize crowdsourcing to gift us with some great games. The “Zombicide” series must be mentioned because three different editions have been entirely funded by Kickstarter. This cooperative zombie killing game brought in $2.2…

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It is not only the prominent game studios that make great games and that is why you need to know which indie games of 2016 were the most successful. Though it is true that big game producers have more money and get to launch cool games regularly, every now and then we see some interesting games being launched independent of them. Steam has been really helpful in helping these games launch directly through online platform and Kickstarter and other crowdsourcing platforms have been instrumental in ensuring the necessary funding. That is why we see more and more innovative games coming…

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In this world of commercialism and huge mainstream record labels, you need to know which independent rappers are the most successful in the world. In recent times, it has become really tough for music artists to rise to the top and retain their positions because everyone is trying to please the crowd and earn more and more money. This has created a change among the hip hop artists and some of them now prefer to stay beyond the reaches of established labels. They make and market their music independently. Daniel Dumile or better known as “MF Doom” calls himself rap’s…

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Google has been revolutionary in changing how people utilize the internet for personal development and that is why you should know which Google apps are the most helpful for education. Google believes in empowering people with knowledge and that is why they have created the Google for Education program collection to help students and academicians to make the best use of internet resources. Even though all the apps are very effective in helping the users, a few apps can be considered very vital. Once the school signs up for the package, students and teachers can use customized gmail addresses to…

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We have come to know of many atrocious acts by evil rulers of the world, and it is time to know which female rulers throughout history were the most evil. Even though the world has seen a lower number of female rulers compared male ones, a few of the female rulers have managed to leave behind some very dark stories. Messalina and Julia Agrippina were both married to Roman Emperor Claudius and thus held very influential positions in the empire. After the marriage, Messalina’s thirst for power continuously grew and she eventually tried to assassinate and overthrow Claudius in an…

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Many area administrators become quite creative in order to get more inhabitants in an area and you will be surprised to know which cities and countries will pay people to move in. There can be many reasons and many ways to offer monetary incentives. This can be done to balance an aging local population or to fill up important job vacancies. The incentive options can be high education and housing subsidies, financial benefits for starting a business or even cash payments. Kaitangata of New Zealand will offer you an excellent land and home package as well as a job. The…

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Our body requires different amino acids for different reasons, and you should know which amino acids are the most important for muscle growth and hair loss. As the core component of proteins, amino acids are vital. Any sort of deficiency or imbalance can lead to different health problems. The need for amino acids can be fulfilled by consuming the correct food items. But pharmaceutical and health companies are now producing amino acid supplements commercially. They are mainly being used for development of muscle. But preventing and stopping hair loss is also being targeted by the newer products. All amino acids…

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The United States of America is full of diverse people and everyone should know which ethnic groups in America are the most educated. There has been a lot of speculation about the immigrants taking away jobs of the Americans. Incendiary comments made by the politicians have fueled the discussion even more. This has deviated the discussion from the fact that the ethnic groups that are observable in America have proven themselves to be in the country. The USA has always been a land of opportunities for the capable ones and these people have earned their place. Another information that people…

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To understand the interesting dynamics of businesses in the USA, one needs to know which immigrants in America own the most successful companies. The USA has always been a dream location for immigrants with big dreams. Many have come to this country in search of a better future. Statistically, immigrants have been more entrepreneurial in nature than the native-born people. But, a few have truly managed to stand out in the crowd. Many of them were fleeing from persecution in their home countries and made the USA their refuge. Most of entrepreneurs have found success in either the investment industry…

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To understand how much disparity this world is still going through, you need to know which countries give death penalty for homosexuality. Even though homosexuality and LGBT rights are being slowly established in the progressive countries, there are other countries which still strongly oppose this concept. They will do whatever they seem necessary to ensure homosexuality stays a taboo in the country. LGBT activists may have created a few safe spaces around the world, but their rights are badly hurt in these conservative and oppressive countries. Not even international condemnation about this has managed to influence these governments to change…

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If you want to understand the global political scenario, you should know which ones are the biggest dictator ruled countries. There is a big misconception about dictatorship. The term actually tries to focus on the way a country is ruled, rather than who rules it. So, if either an individual ruler or a political party comes into power and then holds on to it unethically or illegally, it will be a dictatorship. The problem with dictatorial regimes is the way they try to clamp down on the general population to gather power. There will be reports on infringing on rights,…

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To know and prepare better for the real world, you should know which dangerous serial killers did not get caught, despite doing atrocious things. Single murders can happen unintentionally or in the spur of the moment. But a serial killer has a twisted mentality who is very calculated in choosing the victims. This vicious mental process may have been created because of bad things done to them in their own past or younger life, but it is still unjustifiable to take another person’s life because you felt bad. But unfortunately, the history is filled with such individuals. We don’t even…

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